We aim to revolutionize helicopter landing systems. We want to overcome the limitations of state of the art landing gears to enable landings in steep and uneven terrain. This significantly expands the operative range of helicopters.
An injured person is lying in the mountains, urgently in need of medical care. A rescue helicopter sets off to come to aid. This helicopter, equipped with a skid or 3-wheel landing system, is not capable of landing in the hilly surroundings of the accident location. The rescue team is therefore forced to do a time consuming and risky hoist rescuing procedure. We can significantly reduce the occurrence of these situations by enabling helicopters to land in almost any terrain.
Our Project
The project involves the development and verification of an adaptive landing gear for an unmanned helicopter (UAV) with a rotor span of 3.2 meters. The prototype should demonstrate the advantages of an adaptive landing system and should be scalable for use on manned helicopters.